Signal Corps training filmpjes

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:
Uitleg van een Signal Corps veld telefoon kabels 1941

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:
Splicing of field wire cable techniques field telephone 1941


- RL-35

- RL 29 

- DR 4 & DR 5

- Uitleg diverse soorten bekabeling

- maken van een lasverbinding

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:

Telephone pole line construction crossarm installation 1943

Signal Corps linemen stringing wires to poles and other soldiers standing on stre.


-K38 trailer links in de hoek ??

Radio at War  ca1940: 


- Radio operator opleiding

- BC620

- Dodge WC55

- BC611

- Para droping

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:
Navy radio operator training film "the radioman fights"

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:
“Basic principles of Frequency modulation” 1944

Wo2 US Army Signal Corps:

Hand soldering / iron training film 1944

US soldiers load spools of field wire into a truck at First Army Signal depot in 


US soldiers in England, install wire cutters on US jeeps before shipping them to France